This course aims to provide users the opportunity to develop and enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. Topics covered in this module includes: Understanding Intellectual Property; Assessing Market Research; Evaluating Revenue & Cost Framework; Developing a Business Plan; and Gaining an insight on Angel Investors, Venture Capitalist and Government Grants.
There are many types of financing options and routes available for entrepreneurs to start or grow their business, including personal savings or from family/friends, loans, angel investors, venture capital and loans. The entrepreneurship can use multiple sources to attract funds, but their abilities are the most important determinant to attract investors. The following sections will discuss some of the early-stage funding options.
Angel Investors
Angel investors are the type of investors who uses their money to fund young start-up private businesses run by entrepreneurs who are neither friends nor family. Angel investors might be professionals such as doctors or lawyers, former business associates -- or better yet, seasoned entrepreneurs interested in helping the next generation. They benefit the entrepreneur in many ways, share their knowledge and expertise and are willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in your business in return for a piece of the action.
Upon the completion of this module, users will be able to:
• Understand the theoretical and practical knowledge in entrepreneurship and innovation, including recent developments in the discipline.
• Apply critical thinking to relevant research articles of contemporary relevance in entrepreneurship and innovation.
• Critically analyse information from a wide range of sources to create solutions innovatively to improve current practices.
TIME: Up to 2 Hours
• No prerequisites.
• No materials distributed.
• No formal assessments required.
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